Буклет Souvenirs of Summer від Blackbird Designs BD76
Souvenirs of Summer BD76
Blackbird Designs
Summer Jubilee - 201W x 89H (матеріали вказані в супутніх товарах):
Основа - 30 ct. 18th Century Blackbird linen from R & R Reproductions (недоступно);
Gentle Art: Grecian Gold, Pomegranate, Butternut Squash, Chamomile, Woodrose, Sarsaparilla, Old Blue Paint, Flax (2), Old Brick (2), Berry Cobbler;
Weeks Dye Works: Hibiscus;
Patriotic Bouquet - 60W x 40H:
- Основа - 32 ct. Goldfinch from R & R Reproductions (недоступно);
- Weeks Dye Works: Red Pear, Rum Raisin, Concord, Sweet Pea, Whiskey, Pecan, Schneckley, Scuppernong;
- Gentle Art: Old Blue Paint;
America - 73W x 106H:
- Основа - 35 ct. Sheep Straw from R & R Reproductions (недоступно);
- Gentle Art: Mulberry (5 yard).
Summer's Souvenir - 80W x 175H:
- Основа - 30 ct. Goldfinch from R & R Reproductions (недоступно);
- Gentle Art: Raspberry Parfait, Maple Syrup;
- Weeks Dye Works: Dolphin.
Summer Song - 58W x 67H:
- Основа - 30 ct. Old Towne Blend from R & R Reproductions (недоступно);
- Gentle Art: Raspberry Parfait, Soot, Dark Chocolate, Dried Thyme, Pomegranate, Barn Grey;
- Weeks Dye Works: Dolphin, Whiskey.
Lake House Catch - 100W x 63H:
- Основа - 30 ct. Old Towne Blend from R & R Reproductions (недоступно);
- Weeks Dye Works: Aztec Red, Angel Hair, Cape, Dolphin;
- Gentle Art: Soot.
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