Схема Happy Birthday Anniversaries of the Heart #6 від Blackbird Designs BD194
Happy Birthday BD194
Anniversaries of the Heart #6
Blackbird Designs
75 x 85 хр.
- Основа - 30 ct. Espresso від R&R Reproductions;
- Classic Colorworks: Cinnamon Toast, Jakey Brown;
- Gentle Art: Aged Pewter, Carmel Corn, Cornhusk, Endive, Garden Gate, Old Purple Paint, Piney Woods;
- Weeks Dye Works: Baked Apple, Light Khaki;
- Альтернатива в DMC: 3779, 3859, 646, 612, 372, 3011, 844, 3781, 829, 3858, 712.
Можлива альтернатива основи: Thieffry 30 ct. Thé / Чай,Льон Parchment 30 ct Weeks Dye Works (1110),Permin 30 ct. Sandstone / Tea Dyed Піщаник (025/21).
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400 ГРН.
9.08 EUR 9.48 USD