Gather (3 Designs) TK-B03
Teresa Kogut
This collection by Teresa Kogut has 3 different designs! Each design features a different gathering of flora and fauna, and uses the same color threads and symbols.
"ABC 123"
Stitch count: 130 x 139.
Fabric: 32 count "mystery" lugana.
DMC: 22, 221, 372, 422, 935, 3011, 3064, 3371.
Stitch count: 177 x 217.
Fabric: Edinburgh 36 ct. Zweigart Antique Ivory (3217/233)
DMC: 22, 221, 372, 422, 435, 611, 822, 935, 3011, 3064, 3371, 3787.
"Sally Emerson"
Stitch count: 166 x 88
Fabric: 40 count Grandma's Slip by XJuDesigns.
DMC: 22, 221, 372, 422, 935, 3011, 3064, 3371.
*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website -