Wherever There Are Birds XS327
Teresa Kogut
170 x 152 stitches
Fabric: 40 ct Grandpa's Sleeve by xJuDesign. Альтернативна тканина: Legacy Newcastle 40 ct. Video This Plus
Weeks Dye Works: 2199, 4129.
Classic Colorworks: 164, 196, 228.
DMC: 08, 434, 436, 613, 839, 3863.
Conversion to DMC: 3371, 918, 347, 3362, 3031,08, 434, 436, 6 13, 839, 3863.
*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website - http://teresakogut.com/