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Pattern Red R Sampler by Hello from Liz Mathews G8983
Страна производитель: 
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588,00 ГРН
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Вес: 1 грамм

Red R Sampler
Hello from Liz Mathews
229 x 216 stitches


Fabric: 40 Ct. Stars Hollow linen from R&R Reproductions

Needlepoint Inc. Silk Floss: 902, 998, 925, 543, 156, 982, 243, 152, 341, 693, 292, 867, 694, 182, 122, 764.

Alternative in DMC: 167, 310, 336, 349, 500, 642, 730, 927, 3023, 3046, 3363, 3770, 3828, 07, 386 2, 3863, 3842

*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website -https://www.facebook.com/HelloFromLizMathews/

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