And God Saw XS4022
Teresa Kogut
242 x 270 stitches
Fabric: 40 ct Boston Tea Party by LFA Linen. Alternative fabric: Vellum Newcastle 40 ct. from Picture This Plus
Weeks Dye Works: 1106, 1230, 1269, 2197(2), 2199(2).
Classic Colorworks: 04, 214, 233.
DMC: 355, 372, 422, 436, 646, 841, 842, 950, 3032, 3064, 3790, 3857.
Conversion to DMC: ecru, 829, 801, 3012, 3362, 844, 356, 3856, 355, 372, 422, 436, 646, 841, 842, 950, 3032, 3 064, 3790, 3857.
*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website -