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Cross Stitch Pattern In Our Home by Teresa Kogut XS4011
Страна производитель: 
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640,00 ГРН
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Вес: 1 грамм

In Our Home XS4011
Teresa Kogut

233 x 289 stitches

Cross stitch pattern from Teresa Kogut featuring the phrase "In out home let love abide and bless those who step inside"!

Fabric - 40 ct Grandmas Slip from XJuDesign.
Classic Colorworks: 063 Camouflage (3), 157Balsam Fir (2).
DMC: 22, 167(2), 422, 543, 829, 3371, 3777(2), 3866.

*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website -http://teresakogut.com/

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