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Embellishment Pack for New York New Jersey by Jeannette Douglas Designs JD039E
Страна производитель: 
Нет в наличии
1 520,00 ГРН
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Вес: 1 грамм

Embellishment Pack contains:

  • Gloriana Silk: Summer & Smoke, Sable
  • Kreinik #4 Braid: 014, 001
  • Gentle Art: Bayberry, Oatmeal, Peacock, Freedom, Summer Meadow, Cranberry, Pink Azalea, Green Apple, Sable, Old Blue Paint, Straw Bonnet, Fudge Ripple, Victorian Pink, Holly Berry
  • Weeks Dye Works: Scuppernong, Terra Cotta
  • By Jupiter Charm: Ice Cream Cone, 9-11 charm
  • Just Another Button Co: Apple, Pumpkin, 2 Swirly Buds, 2 Leaves



***Please note. The store is not responsible for the accuracy of the materials list. We kindly advise you to check the manufacturer's website - http://www.jeannettedouglas.ca

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