Pattern Hillrise Garden Sampler by Rosewood Manor RMS1333
Stitch count: 255 x 178.
- Fabric: 32ct Parchment Linen by Weeks Dye Works (not available). Possible alternative: Permin 32 ct. Sandstone Tea Dyed Sandstone (065/21), Belfast 32 ct. Zweigart Light Sand (3609/224);
- Weeks Dye Works:1101 Lt Khaki (3 ),1123 Cornsilk, 1156 Grape Ice, 1313 Purple Haze, 1318 Concord, 2202 Bullfrog, 2205 Grasshopper (2), 2258 Aztec Red, 2264 Garnet, 2342 Dutch Iris, 3900 Kohl (3), 6850 Bluecoat Red.
*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website -
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