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Pattern Hummingbird Pixie by Bella Filipina BF035
Страна производитель: 
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585,00 ГРН
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Вес: 1 грамм
Hummingbird Pixie BF035
Bella Filipina
153 x 225
  • Fabric: 28 ct. Stonehenge by Bestitchme Hand Dyed Fabrics (not available).
  • Mill Hill and Treasures: 02036, 02082, 03504, 10007, 10092, 02721, 02722, 02724, 12064(2), 12187(3), 16025, 18822, 72045;
  • Kreinik #4 Braid: 029, 091;
  • Kreinik #8 Braid: 085, 101;
  • DMC: 34, 153, 208, 210, 311, 320, 333, 341, 402, 420, 433, 435, 436, 471, 554, 597, 605, 718, 738, 744, 791, 818, 820 , 898, 939, 966, 993, 3346, 3371, 3607, 3608, 3746, 3810, 3814, 3821, 3832, 3842.
*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website 
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