Pattern Goddess Aphrodite by Bella Filipina BF038
Страна производитель:
Goddess Aphrodite BF038
Bella Filipina
245 x 202
Fabric: 28 ct. Cafe Mocha by Fiberlicious Yummy Fibers (not available).
Mill Hill and Treasures: 00150, 02011, 02077, 02082, 02087, 03021, 03037(2), 13010, 13054(2), 13063, 16004, 18123;
Kreinik #4 Braid: 024, 032, 002V(2);
DMC: Blanc(3), 09, 28, 31, 315, 321, 352, 500, 501, 562, 601, 603, 605, 632, 680(2), 754, 758, 815, 830, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842(2), 915, 926, 927, 928, 948, 963, 3031, 3354, 3731, 3768, 3777, 3778, 3799, 3801, 3815, 3816, 3817, 3829, 3830, 3854, 3857, 3866.
Possible alternative: Belfast Vintage 32 ct. Zweigart Vintage Country Mocha/Mocha non-monotone (3609/3009).
*** Important. The store is not responsible for the correctness of the list of materials. Please check the key on the manufacturer's website
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