Схема Creepy Pumpkin Stackers (3 designs) от Praiseworthy Stitches PW137
Creepy Pumpkin Stackers (3 designs) PW137
Praiseworthy Stitches
- Основа - Chestnut 32 ct. Weeks Dye Works, Tiger's eye 32 ct. Weeks Dye Works и Cappuccino 32 ct Weeks Dye Works (1238);
- Weeks Dye Works Wool (недоступно): 1 fat quarter of Juniper Herringbone;
- Just Another Button Company: Large Spider 1153.L;
- Mill Hill Beads: 42031;
- Kreinik Blending Filament: 005, 052F, 054F;
- Weeks Dye Works: 1115 Banana Popsicle, 2201 Moss, 2204 Absinthe, 2234 Autumn Leaves, 2293 Dahila, 2329 Purple Majesty;
- The Gentle Art: Soot, Carrot, Chalk, Barn Grey, Pumpkin Pie, Black Licorice;
- Альтернатива в DMC: 745, 937, 470, 721, 3607, 333, 844, 751, white, 169, 3853, 310.
Возможная альтернативная основа: Permin 32 ct. Chestnut (065/142), Permin 32 ct. Halloween (065/342), Permin 32 ct. Riviera Gold Ривьера Золото (065/240).
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12.1 EUR 12.7 USD