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Digital pattern Queen Anastasia Yaroslavna by MilleFleur VP-002-PR
Страна производитель: 
В наличии
- +
Сопутствующие товары:
145,00 ГРН
Вес: 85 грамм

The digital pattern can be purchased at the linkElectronic scheme of Princess Anastasia Yaroslavna

Set of beads Princess Anastasia Yaroslavna (Mill Hill) can be purchased at the link:Set of beads Princess Anastasia Yaroslavna (Mill Hill)VP-002-BP-MH

Designer: Victoria Popovych.

Stitch count: 82 x 112 crosses.
28 ct: 14.5 x 19.4 cm or 5.7 x 7.6 inches.


❖ 7351 stitches, incl. 6100 crosses, 735 backstitch, 516 beads.
❖ 31 symbols including 6 blends, 2 bead names and 3 types of decorations.

Recommended fabric:
Black linen or uniform, for example:
Cashel 28 ct. Zweigart Black (3281/720)
Permin 28 ct. Black (076/99)
Linda Zweigart 27 ct. Black (1235/720)
Monika 28 ct. Ubelhor Schwarz/Black 2195/27095
You need a fabric of at least 25 x 30 cm.
I do not recommend using Aida type fabrics through 3⁄4 cross and petite.
Also, you should not change the count, because beads, beads and decorations will not fit in size on other fabrics.

How the Queen will look on other colors of fabric https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/

DMC: 644, 758, 780, 797, 822, 826, 975, 3770, 3774, 3778, 3821, 3822, 3865.
DMC Pearl #12: 931 (or any dark blue DMC Pearl #8 or #12).
DMC Light Effects: E3821 (or whatever gold thread you have).

Alternative key with silk threads:
DMC: 644, 780, 797, 822, 975, 3778, 3821, 3822, 3865.

Splendor Rainbow Gallery: S895, S1149, S1147 and S1084 (if you have it, but it's not required).
Caron Waterlilies: 197 Monsoon
(only if you have it, because you need quite a bit - 100 crosses)..
DMC Pearl #12: 931 (or any dark blue DMC Pearl).

Treasure Braid Petite Rainbow Gallery: PB01 (or whatever gold thread you have).

Mill Hill beads: 00557 (270 pcs), 40557 (250 pcs).
Treasures Mill Hill:
❖ 13020 Round Sapphire AB 4 mm (3 pcs.)
❖ 13041 Small heart Bermuda Blue 10.3/10mm (1 pc.)
❖ 12256 Red Luster 8/6mm (1 pc.)
You can also replace these treasures with other ornaments, but they must be identical in size.

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