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Printed pattern Ola, bom dia! by MilleFleur VP-001-PR
В наличии
- +
Сопутствующие товары:
160,00 ГРН
Вес: 85 грамм

Stitch count: 160 x 100 crosses (8284 stitches)
Size: 28 ct ~ 27 x 17 cm, 32 ct ~ 25 x 15 cm.

Fabric: Belfast 32 ct. Zweigart Light Mocha (3609/309)

Alternative options:
• Belfast Vintage 32 ct. Zweigart Vintage Country Mocha (3609/0009)
• Murano Lugana 32 ct. Zweigart Beige Bis (3984/306)
• Murano Lugana Vintage 32 ct. Zweigart Vintage Country Mocha (3984/3009)
• Permin 32 ct. Sandstone Tea Dyed (065/21)
***Please note that the design uses stitches (petite, back needle), which are quite difficult to perform on Aida-type fabrics.

DMC:167, 422, 677, 796, 798, 807, 898, 975, 976, 3761, 3820, 3822, 3865.
Designer: Victoria Popovych

Model Stitcher: Olena Zagorui

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